Red Graphs

You probably know someone who’s Red, whose dominant temperament trait is Directness. They’re the ones who take charge, wanting to lead rather than follow. High D people have a direct style of communication … they get right to the point. Sometimes their direct style can be misunderstood as criticism, when really all they were doing was saying what was on their mind in a very direct way.

green graphs

Everyone knows someone who’s Green, whose dominant temperament trait is Extroversion. Extroverted people are talkative, friendly and outgoing. They LOVE to talk. High E people have a persuasive style of communication … they naturally tend to talk you into things. They’re most creative when working with others … they love being part of “The Team”!

blue graphs

It’s easy to recognize someone who’s Blue, who has Pace as their dominant trait. Paced people appear laid back, relaxed and easy going. They don’t rush … they just move along in a smooth, under control manner. High P people HATE to be put under pressure, so they naturally avoid pressuring others. High P people are helpful and cooperative.

yellow graphs

The Yellow people that you know who are careful, precise & perfectionists … they’re Structured. Someone who has Structure as their high trait “goes by the book” … THEIR BOOK! They can be resistant to change, not because the change isn’t good but because they need some time to be SURE that its good. They need to gather facts and do the research before making a decision. They ask A LOT of questions … they like to check and re-check … they like to be right!

Read about the Red Color

You probably know someone who’s Red, whose dominant temperament trait is Directness. They’re the ones who take charge, wanting to lead rather than follow. High D people have a direct style of communication … they get right to the point. Sometimes their direct style can be misunderstood as criticism, when really all they were doing was saying what was on their mind in a very direct way.

Read about the Green Color

Everyone knows someone who’s Green, whose dominant temperament trait is Extroversion. Extroverted people are talkative, friendly and outgoing. They LOVE to talk. High E people have a persuasive style of communication … they naturally tend to talk you into things. They’re most creative when working with others … they love being part of “The Team”!

Read about the Blue Color

It’s easy to recognize someone who’s Blue, who has Pace as their dominant trait. Paced people appear laid back, relaxed and easy going. They don’t rush … they just move along in a smooth, under control manner. High P people HATE to be put under pressure, so they naturally avoid pressuring others. High P people are helpful and cooperative.

Read about the Yellow Color

The Yellow people that you know who are careful, precise & perfectionists … they’re Structured. Someone who has Structure as their high trait “goes by the book” … THEIR BOOK! They can be resistant to change, not because the change isn’t good but because they need some time to be SURE that its good. They need to gather facts and do the research before making a decision. They ask A LOT of questions … they like to check and re-check … they like to be right!

Video about YELLOW